Friday, January 16, 2009

Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life

Yesterday in class, a fellow student stood up to make an anouncement of a fundraiser she is holding to raise money for her sick father. Her father has leukemia. I could not imagine going through a situation like that or even getting enough strentgh to get in front of the class to talk about it. The moment after her speech I thought of how lucky I am to have my own health, and my family and freinds health as well.
Last October I broke my ankle and this took from me something a love very much. This love is to RUN. Running for me is fulfilling; to feel that good pain, to push myself further then the previuos run and to reach a goal I create for myself and yes to feel that "runners high". Without this huge part of my life I felt an emptiness which did cause for sadness. To fill this hole, I found other activities that could keep me occupied and fit. I began to pool run. I know it sounds silly, but it is the next best thing to running on the ground...and yes it is just as tiring, maybe more. I struggled to stay motivated and I am still struggling, but when you love something this much, you will commit to it no matter what.
I realize that things could be much worse for myself, and getting injured made me appreciate my sport fully. I have a healthy family and freinds and this means much more then a silly broken foot that I had created to be so devastating at first. I am semi healed now and am taking the training process in strides. My first run back felt exilerating, and I had a huge smile on my face the whole time a am sure.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You've captured our inability to look beyond minor setbacks in order to appreciate our other blessings perfectly. We are all guilty of it, believe me.

    I envy that you are a runner. I want to start running, but I'm an inconsistent procrastinator... so it's safe to say that I won't be running anytime soon, if ever. LOL!
